My my my how quickly a year goes by :) I haven't been active at all on my blog and that is about to change..Cow and Pig Designs has gone through a slight hiatus I've been filling small orders here and there but nothing to the extent that I have been in the past..creatively my mind has been on vacation. Since C&PD was conceived I have been working non stop so this past year I have spent the time trying to get re energized to bring new creative ideas and items to you :)
Since I was about 8 years old I have had a love of photography and that was a passion that I had lost since other things have gotten in the creative ideas..but I have ALWAYS seemed to find myself grabbing the camera over and over again!So I am hoping to put some of my photography into the art that comes out of C&PD.
I love being able to have time off to refocus and now...its time to get this started..HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 may this be the year that dreams are made of..
Owner/Creative Designer of Cow & Pig Designs